Be sure to stop by for the party this today and saturday.
Don't miss our Port St Lucie 10th Anniversary party and
Stuarts 1 Year all together
November 17th and 18th ALL Day Long.
door Prizes, Fun, and Cookies
Sale will be Select Kimberbell items and Fabrics
30 to 60% off
Boxes Kits 30% off
Also Saturday is Pam's Birthday so we will be giving you 56% off 1 item on Saturday ONLY!!! The Lowest price that we see in the order.
Excludes Machines and Furniture
This is happening at both stores. So be sure to go in and put your name and phone number on a door prize ticket you could win a prize.
Located with Perkins and Publix in East Port Plaza.
9024 S US HWY 1 Port St Lucie, FL 34952
Stuart Address is:
2462 SE Federal HWY Stuart 34994
They are located in Regency Square with the theater.
Stand by for our Black Friday sale. More to come on that after the party. We have a lot coming for the end of the year and into the first 3 months on 2024.
Go to our website to view our classes.
You can sign up for any of them online.